Dom here, back with another Inside Scoop to let you know what has been on my mind this past week.
Just a quick heads up – we have a special 5 Day Rooming House Challenge starting this week. This is my big claim “Give Me 5 Short Days, And We Will Show You The Exact “Step By Step” Method To Find And Flip Properties For Cash Profits In The Current Market For Little To No Money Down. PLUS Get Instant Access to NEW AI “Property Research” Software When You Show Up To The Training”.
It’s free to join if you want to check it out. Click here for the details.
Till next week,
What I have been reading: I’ve been getting deep into Nassim Taleb’s “Antifragile.” This isn’t just another self-help book; it’s an exploration of systems that gain from disorder. Taleb introduces the idea that in an increasingly complex world, we should focus on becoming antifragile – benefiting from shocks and unpredictability, rather than just trying to predict or prevent them. It’s a compelling perspective that’s reshaping how I view challenges.
What I have been doing: Decluttering. The mission got underway well, but then it was derailed. Anyone else have that mysterious kitchen drawer? Some random post-its, a pen that doesn’t work, a birthday card from 5 years ago, a flat battery, a key to god knows what, and a five cent piece. Then I got distracted by some old photos I found and had to make a cup of tea to get over the excitement of the whole activity and that was the end of that!
What I have been focused on: Remember a few weeks back I told you about my Thermomix? Well, just when I thought it couldn’t get any better, this thing just takes it to whole new level! Turns out it also makes cocktails! So I’ve been experimenting with egg white beverages. They are so – like drinking a cloud. If you’re a fellow mixologist, share your favourite recipe; I’d love to give it a whirl?
What I have been pondering on: My thoughts have been hovering around the power of questions. My top 2 tips for effective questions when faced with dilemmas are: Channelling a mentor with “What would [mentor’s name] do?” It’s surprising how a shift in perspective can untangle complexities. To maximise productivity, I often ask myself: “Is this the highest and best use of my time?” and “Is this bringing me closer to my goal?” These keep me aligned and purpose-driven.
That’s it for now. Stay curious, keep decluttering, and cheers to fluffy cocktails!
PS: We released a new podcast episode, it is all about Property Investing in Australia with some members of the Property Lovers Community. You can listen to them all now on Apple, Spotify, Youtube, our Website or wherever you find your podcasts, you don’t want to miss it.