
Inside Scoop 31 Oct 2022

Inside Scoop 31 Oct 2022

What I Have Been Focused On: New software! I am pretty excited about this idea I have. It will mean big disruptive change in Australia and the way we do property. I don’t think I’ll be very popular either with factions that may have something to lose – like I need any more enemies?! Anyway, all I have to say is “Haters, just be patient, I have so much more for you to be angry about ….”

What I Have Been Reading: “Badass Affirmations: The Wit and Wisdom of Wild Women ” by Becca Anderson. I know, if you are all savage and making gangster moves, you shouldn’t need affirmations right? But sometimes you just gotta fake it till you make it! If you don’t ever doubt yourself or take on the feedback of critics (even just to decide they are wrong) you may have blind spots. Ego is the enemy. As Elon Musk said: “Constantly think about how you could be doing things better. Keep questioning yourself.”

What I Have Been Watching: Ebay. One of my sons just started an eCommerce business, something that never interested me before (didn’t ever really take the time or understand what all the fuss was about. I am pretty old school and just preferred going to the shops.) Now I’m addicted – making offers all over the place, bidding at the last second just for the dopamine hit. Not good! Perhaps it’s time for an intervention. My family doesn’t help either. Here are some of their more sane purchases:

Every home should have a Spartan helmet And an Akubra sombrero – ignore the need for an assortment of useful headwear at your own peril!

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What I Have Been Studying: Software as a solution (SaaS) versus open source software. I’m slow and technology isn’t my thing but what I lack in knowledge I make up for in determination. ” … the question isn’t who is going to let me, it’s who’s going to stop me!” Ayn Rand

What’s Coming Up: We have a free livestream event next week for those that want to learn how to protect their assets and make sure their succession planning is in order in these uncertain times. You can grab all the details and register here.

Thoughts, suggestions, feedback?

Share it in our Property Lovers Community Group.

Till next week,


PS: We released a new podcast episode this week, it is all about my journey to building my very own property empire and how you can too. You can listen to it on Apple, Spotify, Youtube, our Website or wherever you find your podcasts, you don’t want to miss it.

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