
Inside Scoop 24 / 16th April

Inside Scoop 24 / 16th April

Dom here, back with another Inside Scoop to let you know what has been on my mind this past week.

Just a quick heads up – we have a special 1 Day Property Challenge  on Sat 22nd of April.   This is my big claim “Give Me 1 Full Day And We Will Show You The Exact “Step By Step” Method To Find And Flip Properties For Cash Profits In The Current Market For Little To No Money Down. PLUS Get Instant Access to NEW AI “Property Research” Software When You Show Up To Day”.

It’s free to join if you want to check it out.   Click here for the details. 

Till next week,


What I have been doing: I just love Easter. In some senses even more than Christmas because you don’t have the mad rush of presents and “silly season” festivities and the urgency of the year ending and a long shutdown but you do get to legitimately tap out and have downtime with no pressure. We had a huge Easter Sunday for the whole family (both sides) at our place. Kevin and I excelled in the catering (if we do say so ourselves). Here’s some of the winners from the day if you are minded to try your hand at them?

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What I have been watching: “Madame” with Toni Collette on Foxtel. She plays a superficial society woman living in France. It is a comedy of errors as well as a social commentary. A light, entertaining watch. Not sure if I understood the ending (I even googled it) but it was still open to interpretation – maybe it is one of those ambiguous or open endings where it’s a case of “make of it what you will”?

What I have been researching: Rooming houses – or as they are formally referred to “New generation boarding homes”. A lot of our students have been developing in this space. It is like a whole lot of studio apartments that are built to own – so you get all the income without the huge cost of build. They are purpose-built to rent and there is a huge quality tenant demand for them, not to mention big tax depreciation benefits available and the best news is that often no Development Application is required – they can be complying developments! Watch this space!

What I have been reading:  Watching the headlines and data in the popular press saying that the property market has bottomed and will soon rise due to foreign migrant arrivals surging, rate rises pausing, less stock and now more demand as buyers feel more certainty and additionally, there is a huge rental shortage which is coaxing investors back into the market. Probably too early to call it but looking good!

PS: Have you been listening to The Property Lovers Podcast? We released a new episode this week and it is my Personal Top 10 Tips To Flipping Property For Short Term Profits. You can listen to it on Apple, Spotify, Youtube, our Website or wherever you find your podcasts, you don’t want to miss it.

Don’t forget to leave us your thoughts on our Property Lovers Community Group!

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