
Inside Scoop 07 Aug 2022

Inside Scoop 07 Aug 2022

What I am reading: “Can’t Hurt Me” by Dave Goggins.

Whilst Dave Goggins is very extreme and I could never do what he has done or be driven to the lengths he pushes himself, I try to model his grit and determination and I love his analogy of “mental calluses’. Just like we get physical calluses over time with repetition so soft skin doesn’t tear or disable us and thus we can endure, so to do life’s challenges (and our resilience in meeting them) equip us with mental calluses to toughen us up when life tries to wear us down with its inevitable obstacles. These calluses enable us to thumb our noses at setbacks and say “can’t hurt me!”

What I am studying: Digital Marketing, content creation and copywriting with Frank Kern. Standards, benchmarks and strategies are shifting dramatically and we are always workshopping the best ways to connect with you online.

A quote I am reflecting on: ”I never worry about action, only inaction” – Winston Churchill.

We all get scared of whether a decision is right or wrong – there can be good or bad decisions – but there is one thing worse than both of these and that is no decision!

What I am focused on: The best way to connect with you all, livestream. As the world has changed so much in the past 2 years we are considering the best and most impactful way to connect with you all. We are considering a more hybrid model which uses a mix of live stream and in person events. Which one do you prefer?

In case you missed it: I released a new episode of the Property Lovers Podcast this week, it covers the 6 things you need to know as a first home buyer in Australia. You can listen to it now on Spotify, Apple, Youtube and via our Website.

Thoughts, suggestions, feedback? Please let us know on our socials!

Warm regards


PS: We caught up with Property Lover Lisa recently to discuss her inspirational journey, you can check out the full conversation here.

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