
Hosted by Dominique Grubisa | 06.03.2023 Podcast Episode #48

Is It The Right Time To Transition From Renter To Home Owner? | #48

Today we are answering the question whether it is a good time to buy a property and if I am currently renting should I make that jump to becoming a homeowner?

The decision to buy a property versus renting is a significant financial choice that requires careful consideration. The current real estate market conditions, interest rates, and personal financial circumstances all play a crucial role in determining whether it is a good time to make the transition to becoming a homeowner.

And with all the uncertainty in the market right now it could be the perfect time. We break it all down for you in today’s episode of The Property Lovers Podcast.

Get ready to find out:

  • Why it is going to be harder and harder to get a lone
  • The market conditions that make it challenging
  • Why we should expect more interest rate rises
  • Why the US market determines what happens in Australia
  • How to get the balancing act right
  • Why the rental market is so tight
  • Why property owners may want to sell because of rising interest rates
  • What is serviceability and why it is so important right now
  • The different way you can finance a deal

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