
1300 898 612

Disclaimer, Confidentiality & Release Form

Welcome to our event.

The content and information provided at the event is general advice and for educational purposes only. None of the information presented at the event constitutes, or is intended to constitute, a recommendation by the presenter that any particular security, investment or strategy is suitable for any specific person. Further courses will be offered for purchase at the event.

All attendees should make their own independent decision the information presented at the event. The information presented at the event does not take into your particular investment objectives, financial situation or needs. You should strongly consider seeking advice from their own personal investment adviser based on their specific circumstances. Past performance is not indicative of future results.

In the event of a student sharing their story, no remuneration was offered or paid to the student for sharing their story. The timeline and details of all student transactions have not been verified by Property Lovers. If you wish to make a particular investment or follow a particular strategy then you should consult a financial adviser to fully understand the risks associated with that course of action in your particular circumstances.

Property Lovers may refuse registration or entry to any individual. This event is not suitable for young children or babies and entry may be refused.

Recording devices of any kind, animals and illegal substances are strictly prohibited. The event may not be recorded or photographs taken without the express permission of Property Lovers. In addition, no flyers, advertising or marketing collateral may be distributed at the event.

Your attendance shall constitute your acceptance that during the event, the presenters may be offering additional courses for purchase by participants. These courses will enable you to learn in greater detail how to put into practice the speaker’s strategies. These additional educational services will be offered for sale at the event. You are free to choose whether or not you want more information or wish to purchase the further services offered by the speaker.

  1. I acknowledge that the event may be recorded and that the Presenter/s and event organisers may utilise any such photographs or recording in any matter whatsoever. I am not authorised to photograph, record, or duplicate any of the information. I acknowledge that commissions may be paid to third parties as a result of any product I may purchase.
  2. I acknowledge that no investment decision should be made by myself based solely on the information, and I should obtain independent financial and legal advice in respect of the specific investments that I complete. I acknowledge the copyright and intellectual property rights to the information belongs to the presenter/s absolutely, and no information (whether written or oral) may be reproduced or distributed in any form for any purpose without the prior written consent from the presenter/s.
  3. I acknowledge that the presenter/s are not licensed financial advisors or planners, qualified practicing accountants or qualified practicing finance professionals. I further acknowledge that all information presented by the presenter/s have been obtained solely from their own experiences as an investor/entrepreneur and is referred to or provided as general information only which will require further research to identify its application or modification or its appropriateness to my specific requirements. It is referred to or provided by way of example only and is not intended to be, nor is it accepted as specific investment recommendations or advice for myself.
  4. The presenter/s and those participating make no express or implied claims that you will make money as a result of following their advice and or purchasing their services or products. Any income statements or examples are not intended to represent or guarantee that everyone will achieve the same results. Figures referred to are atypical, individual results may vary. Neither the promoter nor any speaker or participants makes any claims, promises or guarantees about the use, the accuracy, completeness, adequacy, reliability etc. of the information contained in this conference or related products and we disclaim any such responsibility.
  5. I acknowledge that I am attending a conference at my own risk and of my own free will and hereby release you, your employees, delegates, associates, and independent contractors to the full extent permitted by law from all claims of every kind and from all liability which may arise in respect of any loss (notwithstanding that such loss may be caused by my negligence) arising from any action by any party or out of any accident or injury occurring to me or any of my property from the seminar.
  6. As with any business endeavour, there is an inherent risk of loss of capital and there is no guarantee that I will earn any money as a result of my attendance at this conference. I acknowledge that any steps I take after attending the conference are entirely my responsibility.
  7. This agreement shall be read and construed according to the laws of New South Wales, Australia and the parties submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of that state.