Congratulations and Welcome to the Property Professional Program.
Talk to our account manager to get familiar with the Property Lovers program and its offerings. During this quick session, we’ll guide you on how to access and make the most of our services through the app, ensuring a seamless experience as you embark on your property journey.
In this 10 mins session, we will…
Disclaimer & Advice Warning: Property Lovers Pty Ltd - ACN 661 144 510 ("Property Lovers") provide general advice and for educational purposes only.
All content and information contained within this website does not take into account your particular legal, financial, taxation or personal situation, and is general advice and for educational purposes only. None of the information contained within this website constitutes, nor is intended to constitute a recommendation by the presenter that any particular legal, financial, taxation or other strategy is suitable for your specific situation, nor is it intended provide legal, financial, taxation or other advice.
You should consider seeking independent legal, financial, taxation or other advice to confirm how information or education provided by Property Lovers relates to your unique circumstances.
In the event of a student sharing their story, no remuneration was offered or paid to the student for sharing their story. The timeline and details of all student transactions have not been verified by or Property Lovers.