Your Confirmation Email Is On Its Way! Please Give Us A Few Minutes To Grant You Access.


Watch Below For The Next Steps…

IMPORTANT: Follow The Next Steps Below

To Prepare For The Backyard Bonanza 5 Day Granny Flat’ Challenge!

Reminder: Make Sure To Check Your Email With All Of The Important VIP Details!


VIP Access To Fast Property UNLOCKED!

You registered for VIP which means you get the AMAZING opportunity to test-drive Fast Property RIGHT NOW!

Keep an eye out for a special Fast Property email Invite sent to your email address on file.

From there, it’s as easy as 1-2-3 to set-up, and you’re off to the races!!

Once inside Fast Property, feel free to play around and get comfortable. This is where we’ll be spending a lot of time as we build your lead magnet and proceed to our first property deal together! (Eeek… you’re gonna love it so much!!)

OK, now the other important stuff you need to know before The Challenge kicks off…



Put It On The Calendar!

Take a second right now and put this date into your smartphone:

Next Monday – Friday 12:00 PM Eastern Time

I want to encourage you to do everything in your power to show up early before the start of each training session…. so you don’t miss a single moment of this challenge and the VIP experience!

Each training session will last around 90 minutes, so make sure you block off at least 2 hours and really commit to attending each training for the entire duration so you can soak up as much value as possible!!
Be sure to use the SAME EMAIL ADDRESS you used to register for the challenge.

Once Again, We’re Thrilled To Have You

Part Of The “Backyard Bonanza: 5 day Granny Flat Challenge” VIP Experience! Now Let’s All Rise To The Challenge